Philly Mega-Event Goes Smashingly!
You guys might recall a month or so again I made mention of this Asylum special screening of Mega Shark vs Crocosaurus at the Academy of Natural Sciences in the city of brotherly love, beautiful Philadelphia, PA.
Well, the event went down last Thursday night, and Jill Sybesma, a programs coordinator over there and a Committed reader, sent me the lowdown on how it went off.
Seems that 300 people showed up for the festivities which included a screening of the film, "MST300-esque" commentary by local science experts, and, of course, the quintessential element in public screenings of creature features, copious amounts of beer. You can see from the photos on the left it looks likes a grand time. Ms. Sybesma assures me they'll try to show more films in the future, so if you're in the Philly area, or close enough and fanatic enough to make the trip, keep reading here or the Academy's site for info.
That looks like awesome fun! I checked out their website, but I couldn't find the video or audio of the commentary for download. That would be great to have.